South Cape has been a loyal and much loved servant to Heart of the South Racing over the years, winning 11 races and over £100,000 in prize money during his 10 year racing career. He was also our first home bred horse which meant he was even closer to our hearts. Therefore it was extremely sad to learn that in July 2015 our dear old friend South Cape had to be put down.
After his retirement from racing, South Cape moved to Vera Akehurst’s (former jockey Joe Akehurst’s mum) yard while he patiently waited for Ryan Moore’s new stables to be built. South Cape was due to move to a new home with Ryan’s family to be a riding horse for his wife Michelle (Michelle used to ride and look after South Cape when he was with Mick Channon.)
However South Cape unfortunately contracted a virus and after several tests and treatments the vet felt there was nothing more they could do for the old boy so the decision was made to have him euthanized.
Ourselves, The Moore’s, Michelle and his former owners are very upset as you can imagine. South Cape was a little legend in his own right. He had a spectacular racing career, taking his owners to some of the most prestigious meetings in flat racing. The horse also worked as a lead horse for Gary Moore for 6 months after his retirement from racing and raced in apprentice and charity races – of which he won under trainer Di Grissell in 2013 at Ascot and was ridden by presenter Gina Bryce at Glorious Goodwood! South Cape was one of the most genuine and gentle horses we knew and he was a real favourite at Cisswood Stables. Even his stable name plate read “I am a legend.”
South Cape will be hugely missed by everyone but it is of some comfort to know that he was very happy in retirementment and loved his life as a racehorse.
Rest In Peace our friend South Cape x
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