Owners enjoying the winning experience together
As always at HOTSR, we like to keep Owners fully informed and therefore wanted to highlight a move by ARC Racecourses to introduce syndicate lounges at their racecourses for the foreseeable future.
The syndicate lounge is being introduced as syndicates are becoming increasingly popular (whilst the O&T bars are not increasing in size) & this is a way for syndicates to secure more badges and enjoy the day altogether. The room is solely for syndicates & will be a comfy lounge normally overlooking the Parade Ring. Syndicates are entitled to 20 Syndicate Badges & 8 Parade Ring passes (although more are available subject to field sizes and the racecourse discretion.)
Benefits of the syndicate lounge include plenty of seating, a pay bar, complimentary light refreshments.
We appreciate this is not the O&T bar which HOTSR Owners have been accustomed to the last 26-years, but we do understand at certain tracks flexibility is needed as group ownership increases. Of course, wherever possible, we will strive to achieve O&T badges as first preference.
Should you wish to discuss these changes please contact a member of the HOTSR team
I would rather pay towards an O/T badge than take what is clearly a downgrade.
This would 100% be our preference too Christine, but also understand increasing syndicate numbers are making current O&T areas unusable